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Free downloads


  1. How to identify the Clairs - Your Intuition
    Each of our physical senses has a corresponding psychic sense. Learn about them.

  2. Four Basic Steps to Reading Tarot Cards.

    All you need is a general idea of what the cards mean and learn a few intuitive connection techniques.​

  3. The Tarot Arcanas, the Tarot Suits, Court Cards and Relationships. A brief overview of the Major and Minor Arcanas; the Tarot Suits; The Court Card descriptions and how they interact in realtionships.

  4. Beginners Guide To Telling A Story With The Tarot.
    This guides shows you an easy method to learning the meaning of the cards and how to weave the meanings into a story.

  5. The Seven Body Chakras: What they are and how they work.

  6. The Higher Chakras sometimes called the Expanded or 5D Chakras: What they are, how they develop and their connection to our spiritual growth


  7. Tarot Spreads One of the most helpful tips for laying out tarot cards in a spread is to designate a significance for each postion. This allows you to get get deeper information from your guides. My two most used spreads are the Celtic Cross and a Three card spread. The Celtic Cross placements always remain the same but the Three card spreads can change according to your needs. 

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While I don't send out a lot of newsletters, I will be offering classes and meditations both online and in-person. And on occasion, when I find something really helpful for our spiritual development, I would love to share it with you. 


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